Spine tuberculosis also known as Pott”s disease is very common in developing countries. We see about 2 to 4 new cases every month. Usually, it presents with severe pain in back and if neglected, it may present with neurological deficits. It’s not contagious and needs medical treatment (anti-tubercular drugs) for 18 months. Some cases who have severe deformity, severe pain, large amount of pus or neurological deficits need surgery in form of decompression and fixation. Surgical treatment ensures correction of deformity and early mobilization of patient. This patient presented with severe back pain and lower limb weakness. She underwent 6 hours long surgical procedure. Necrotic bone and pus was removed. Screws, rods and interbody cage were placed to restore the height of vertebral column and provide stability. She improved dramatically and her lower limb power was better within 2 days. She was pain free within 3 days of surgery. She has to consume anti tubercular medication regularly for 18 months for complete recover.